Curator appointed for 2012 Berlin Biennale

7th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art, 2012

Artur Żmijewski appointed curator

KW Institute for Contemporary Art in Berlin is pleased to announce that Artur Żmijewski has been appointed curator of the 7th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art.
The 7th Berlin Biennale will take place in early 2012.

Visual artist Artur Żmijewski, born in 1966 in Warsaw (Poland), works almost exclusively with the media of photography and film. He is particularly interested in the power of art and its relation to politics. From an almost anthropological viewpoint he investigates social norms, morality and representations of power in today’s society and the effects that art have on it. Żmijewski studied in the sculpture class of Professor Grzegorz Kowalski at the Warsaw Art Academy from 1990 to 1995 as well as at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam in 1999. His work has been internationally shown in numerous solo and group exhibitions. In 2005 he represented Poland at the 51st Art Biennale in Venice. He is member of the Polish political movement "Krytyka Polityczna" and the art director of the magazine of the same name. Żmijewski lives and works in Warsaw.

The selection committee for the curatorship of the 7th Berlin Biennale consisted of Jacob Fabricius, Malmö Konsthall; Bartomeu Mari, MACBA – Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona; Matthias Mühling, Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus und Kunstbau München, Munich; Joanna Mytkowska, The Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw; and Hoor Al Qasimi, Sharjah Biennial.

The Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art is since its 4th edition one of the institutions supported by the German Federal Cultural Foundation as "outstanding cultural event". The support of 2.5 Million Euro per edition ensures that Berlin’s "most important event for contemporary art" enjoys planning stability, enabling the organizers to address issues of content in an experimental way.

Established in 1998, the Berlin Biennale has become a major international event for contemporary art. Located in Berlin, in the midst of the vibrant cultural scene in the fast-changing capital of Germany, the Berlin Biennale has received an enthusiastic response from the audience as an experimental, forward-looking and contextual show. The six editions of the Berlin Biennale that have taken place to date explored a variety of exhibition formats and involved diverse curatorial agendas. Previous curators have been:
1st Berlin Biennale (1998): Klaus Biesenbach with Nancy Spector and Hans Ulrich Obrist
2nd Berlin Biennale (2001): Saskia Bos
3rd Berlin Biennale (2004): Ute Meta Bauer
4th Berlin Biennale (2006): Maurizio Cattelan, Massimiliano Gioni, and Ali Subotnick
5th Berlin Biennale (2008): Adam Szymczyk and Elena Filipovic
6th Berlin Biennale (2010): Kathrin Rhomberg

The Berlin Biennale is organized by KW Institute for Contemporary Art and funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation.

KW Institute for Contemporary Art
Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art

Auguststraße 69
D-10117 Berlin

Open Studios @ GlogauAIR, Berlin - 24 & 25 September

Open Studios at GlogauAIR in Berlin-Kreuzberg.

24.9. Friday Opening from 7 to 10 pm with Bar.
25.9. Saturday Open from 3 to 8 pm

GlogauAIR opens it´s doors to show the work of 13 artists who are currently in the residence programme. We invite the public to visit the studios in which international artists exchange their individual experiences, techniques and ideas in a globalized context.

Open studios is the opportunity experience contemporary art in a vivid process - painting, film, installation, photography and work in progress - and to meet the artists in their own spaces.

This open studios exhibition shows the works of 13 international artists who came to GlogauAIR for either three or six months. As a non profit organization, GlogauAIR’s main aim is to create a dynamic of work and coexistence between artists from diverse social and geographical backgrounds, encouraging an exchange of ideas and an internationalization of individual projects. Open Studios represent the perfect opportunity to confirm that aim.


Venue : GlogauAIR
Glogauerstrasse 16
10999 Berlin-Kreuzberg, Germany

+49 30 612 2275

In Search of the Virtual Sublime - MMX, Berlin - Sun 19th Sept

In Search of the Virtual Sublime
Join new-media artist Jon Rafman on an existential journey through the multi-user virtual environment of Second Life. Rafman’s Kool-Aid Man avatar will lead audiences across futuristic cyberpunk megalopolises, exotic furry sex clubs, and psychedelic jungles, while providing live critical commentary and discussing the implications of virtual worlds for modern society. Starts at 7pm.

MMX Berlin
Linienstraße 142
10115 Berlin
DE +49 (0)1512 111 6399

I'm not there at the Collegium Hungaricum Berlin

"I'm not there"
17 September · 20:00 - 23:30
Location CHB Collegium Hungaricum Berlin
Dorotheenstraße 12
Featuring the work of
Attila Szücs, painting
Simone Haack, painting
Deenesh Ghyczy, painting
Alejandro Rodriguez Gonzales, drawing
Steffi Stangl, Installation

and curated by: Uwe Goldenstein

Eröffnungsrede: Detlef Stein (Bremen)

Ausgehend von der Malerei des in Budapest lebenden Attila Szucs´ gesellen sich vier Berliner Künstler dazu, die sich in atmosphärischer wie philosophischer Hinsicht seiner distanzierten und malerisch verdichteten Ebene einzufühlen vermögen. Vielschichtig erweitern sie Szucs´ aparte Welt und laden sie mit zusätzlicher Spannung auf. Unter dem Banner der Verheißung I´m Not There treten alle fünf Künstler als Beschwörer einer brüchigen, mitunter entfernten und in die Latenz verrückten Realität auf. Leise durchbrechen sie etablierte Gesetzmäßigkeiten der alltäglichen Außenwelt und verweisen suggestiv auf eine Innerlichkeit unter der Oberfläche, auf scheinbar abwesende, unbewusste und unsichtbare Vorgänge. Neben einigen ganz neuen und speziell für I´m Not There konzipierten Arbeiten von Attila Szucs (*1967) erweitern die vier hervorragenden Berliner Künstler aus einer Generation: Simone Haack (*1978), Deenesh Ghyczy (*1970), Alejandro Rodriguez Gonzalez (*1974) und Steffi Stangl (*1976) mit ausgewählten Arbeiten den von Szucs vorgegebenen Weg zur Entschleunigung, Vertiefung und Infragestellung der absurd normalen Verhältnisse. Um unter die Oberfläche zu gelangen, tauchen sie in ihre abgeschotteten Innenwelten ab, um uns mit ihren Spiegelungen und Gegenentwürfen zu konfrontieren und zu bereichern. (Text von Uwe Goldenstein, Kurator)

Mehr Infos zu den Künstlern:
Einige bildliche Eindrücke finden Sie hier. (Facebook).

Künstler- und Kuratorengespräch (u.a. mit Attila Szucs): 29. September um 20:00 in der Moholy-Nagy Galerie des CHB

Tonight, for one night only : 9 Doors - 15 Artists

For one night only in Berlin, 'Team Fucking Brilliant' brings you a feast of experience. Set in the old corridors of the former Mint, TFB presents 9 closed rooms to be experienced and have experiences within.

Am Kroegel 2
Berlin, Germany

Artists involved:

ANTOINE CAPEYRON (Bordeaux, France)
Designer and art-collector.

KATHERINE CANNON (London, England)
Architect who dreams up buildings that can't be built.


ROSS WALKER (Farnham, England)
Painter of structures and failure.

EUTECHNIK (Dublin, Ireland)
Audio-artist - sound-design & programming.

PHIL (Essex, England)
Owner of a free ticket to do what ever he likes.

Filmic soundscapes.

DYLAN BAKKER (Wellington, New Zealand)
Selfish reverberations.

NAPHTA (Band from Berlin)
Colourful indie-electro-brass-band.

CRYSTAL AMPS (Band from Berlin & England):
The sound of the most peculiar hangover.

Very special guest with extremely rare and unusual abilities.